Calcutta, The 19th April 1879
It is hereby notified for general information that in the exercise of the powers conferred on him by section 8 of the Bengal Municipal Act, 1876, the Lieutenant-Governor is pleased to extend to the town of Kurseong, in the district of Darjeeling, the Provisions of Chapters I, II and V of the Act, with effect from the 1st may 1879, and to declare that it shall, for the purpose of the said Act, be a second- class municipality from the aforesaid date.2. The limits of the said municipality shall be as follows:-
On the East – Dhobi Jhora, from the head of Sundook Jhora, To the 20th Mile Post on the Cart road.
On the South – A straight line from the 20th mile post on the cart road to the old Punkhabaree Road at the southern angle of Eagle’s Craig; thence the old Punkhabaree Road to the South-east angle of Kempside location; thence the south-east boundaries of locations called Llyod’s location and Court; thence a straight line through Lloyd’s & Makaibaree Lands to the punkhabaree Road at the east corner of Murray Field Location.
On the west – The south-east and south –west boundaries of Murray Field; thence the west boundaries of Dell, Devonshire Bexley, Weenburgh, Helensburgh and Rose bank locations; thence a line from the North-west angle of Rose Bank through the estate called springside to the south west angle of the Barrack Location; thence the western boundary of the barrack and Government reserve lands to where it joins the south-east corner of S.Smiths Lands; thence the south and east boundaries of S.Smiths land to Singlee Nuddy; thence a straight line passing through single or Dookdahoo to the bridge on the Sepring jhora; thence the Sepring Jhora to the cart road; thence the cart road to the Sundook Jhora.
On the North – The Sundook Jhora from the Cart Road to Dhobee Jhora Ridge.
3. Under section 77 of the Act, it is further notified that the tax to be levied within the municipality shall be a rate on the annual value of all the holdings situated within the municipality.
4. Under section 15 the following gentlemen are appointed to be Commissioners of the Municipality of Kurseong -
Mr. C.W. Bagshawe, Tea-Planter,
Mr. Forbes Hall, Tea-planter,
Mr. H. Ramsay, Civil Enginner,
Jeman Singh, Land Owner,
Syla Sirdar, Contractor,
Haji Imdad Ali, Agent, Lloyd’s bank
Gogo Ram, Shopkeeper,
By order of the Lieutenant-Governor of Bengal,
Off G-Secy. To the Govt. of Bengal
T.Y – Reg No 1335 – 25-4-1879